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Most Frightening Experience
During a harrowing 45-minutes, we desperately dodged 4 random tornadic waterspouts
And That's a Wrap - Again. Again.
Final thoughts (for the 3rd time!) from Dale, Christine, and Megan as we conclude another fantastic year of sailing experiences aboard...
Puglia, Italy Bucket List Photos
Photo highlights from my bucket list region in Italy...
2024 From the Guest Book
Here's a post with words directly from our Helios guests. It is presented in reverse chronological order and will get updated...
Greek Islands Photo Tour
UPDATED! Added 3 unique islands.
Kari Simonson
Behind the Scenes on Helios
Dale's sister, Kari, provides a perspective on some of what we do behind the scenes.
Sailing Trivia
We’ve learned a lot of interesting little facts during our short sailing career, some useful to our sailing, and some just curious...
Never Seen That Before
An unexpected guest on board, MAY DAY call and other unique sightings.
Captain's Log
2024 Sailing Log Helios carried us safely another 2,200+ miles this season - our third year of sailing her. We spent over 4 months...
Turkish Delights, Mezzes and Spices
Check out the colorful array of mouthwatering Turkish sweets, appetizers and spices.
Places of Interest
Here are a few especially memorable places that we have visited so far both in 2021/22, and more recently during this summer of sailing...
Rigging 101
Running-rigging is the collection of lines actively used to sail a boat. The basic lines are similar on most any boat, with any...
I Learned About Sailing from That...
Spend enough years sailing, or around sailors, and you'll come across all kinds of lessons: some painfully earned yourself, and some...
Montenegro: Highlights + Lowlights
Although we were not originally planning on visiting Montenegro, we are all very glad that we did (for the most part). We sailed into the...
Helios Re-Launch
We are back aboard Helios and at sea again!! We re-launched her on June 1, 2023. After a 10-month hiatus with Helios "on the hard" in a...
Are We There Yet?
The day that we stamped out of Italy, we were told by the coast guard to "leave immediately, and don't stop until you are out of the...
Doing the "Schengen Shuffle"
Montenegro, our surprise destination, is lovely! We planned out an extremely detailed itinerary spanning 6 months in the Mediterranean,...
And That's a Wrap!!!
Final thoughts from Dale, Christine and Megan on our year-long sailing adventure... Helios was hauled out of the water on July 30 in...
Italian Gelato Competition
When in Rome, do as the Roman's do - indulge in gelato. Given our insatiable love of ice cream, and the fact that the average Italian...
Siri Anderson
Atlantic Crossing #2 (observations at sea)
Our observant crew member Siri Anderson captured in words some of the unique characteristics of life on the open ocean... No bugs, zippo...
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